
Understanding Digital Money as A New Modus of Money Laundering: Legal Introspection in India

By Tissy Annie Thomas | 01 January 2024

Tissy Annie Thomas Digitisation has revolutionised the daily interactions of individuals, business organisations and the State authorities among themselves. Cryptocurrency is a product of this digitisation which has taken the world by storm. Cryptocurrencies offer anonymity and decentralisation- a total turnaround from the conventional centralised financial systems. Therefore, every discussion on or around cryptocurrencies begins Continue reading

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From ‘Islamic Republic’ to ‘Islamic Emirate’ of Afghanistan: Recognition under International Law

By Atul Kumar Dubey & Aditya Tripathi | 01 January 2024

Atul Kumar Dubey & Aditya Tripathi Afghanistan: “the graveyards of empires” made the US and its allies bogged down in this graveyard. The “respected” US pull-out to prevent the embarrassment of hanging chinook helicopter scenes from the Vietnam War has put the country into the hands of fundamentalists who were once funded by the CIA Continue reading

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Professional Ethos for Law Students

By Advocate Satyakam | 01 January 2024

Advocate Satyakam “Throughout my career at the Bar I never once departed from the strictest truth and honesty. The first thing which you must always bear in mind, if you would spiritualize the practice of law, is not* to make your profession subservient to the interests of your purse, as is unfortunately but too often Continue reading

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Convictions Based on Circumstantial Evidence: Does A Bias Exist?

By Pranav Kumar | 01 January 2024

Pranav Kumar Convictions based on circumstantial evidence are not uncommon. However, there seems to be an adjudicatory difference in the treatment accorded to such evidence by the judges. This article attempts to study such differences and rationalise it. To that end, it shows that despite the Courts explicitly declaring parity between circumstantial and direct evidence Continue reading

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Analyzing the Conflict Between Trademark and Copyright Law in Light of the Protectability of Fictional Characters

By Vedant Saxena | 01 January 2024

Vedant Saxena While it is true that fictional characters have not traditionally been considered as works of art separate from the work they originally appeared in, or as an indicator of origin, in light of a plethora of judgments over the years, the relevance of fictional characters has been recognized by courts and certain arenas Continue reading

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Editor’s Note

By Ashit Kumar Srivastva & Shaileshwar Yadav | 01 January 2024

Ashit Kumar Srivastva & Shaileshwar Yadav (On behalf of the Editorial Board)

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Results: 1st DNLU SLJ Essay Writing Competition, 2023

By Editor, SLJ | 01 January 2024

We are pleased to announce the results of the 1st DNLU Student Law Journal Essay Writing Competition, 2023 organized in collaboration with Regstreet Law Advisors. The theme of the Competition was ‘Capital Markets and Securities Law’ and it was aimed at bringing together inquisitive luminaries of the legal field to explore the labyrinthine paths of Continue reading

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Redefining Divorce Dynamics and Decoding Judicial Boundaries: Unravelling the Impact of Shilpa Sailesh v. Varun Sreenivasan

By Astitva Singh | 11 November 2023

Introduction The case of Shilpa Sailesh vs Varun Sreenivasan marks a significant milestone in the annals of Indian family law, heralding a paradigm shift in the judiciary’s approach to marital disputes and the dissolution of marriage. The case originated from a deeply contested matrimonial dispute between Shilpa Sailesh and Varun Sreenivasan, both parties embroiled in Continue reading

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By Editor, SLJ | 11 November 2023

Organised by DNLU Student Law Journal, in collaboration with REGSTREET Law Advisors The deadline for the submission of the Essays is extended from 27th November 2023 to 15th December 2023. About the Competition The competition is an opportunity for legal enthusiasts to engage with the intricate dimensions of Capital Markets and Securities Laws. It aims to foster Continue reading

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Demystifying the Countervailing Jurisprudence on Provident Fund Dues

By Ashu Daga & Dhairya Gawde | 11 November 2023

Abstract We often hear disclaimers and cautions against going headfast into jobs that seem to show meagre growth potential and unstable security. But do these risks limit themselves to the initial period of job hunting? Or do they stretch to situations where one might have to forsake their earnings simply because their company can no longer Continue reading

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