We are accepting submissions for DNLU-SLJ Volume IV (2025)
Editorial Policy
- Ethics Policy
The editorial team is committed to a strict ethics policy to protect the integrity of the editorial process. The DNLU Student Law Review Journal prioritises transparency and commits to diversifying its editorial board and eliminating any remote chances of unconscious bias. Editors ensure a purely objective evaluation of the submissions received, maintaining the complete anonymity of the author and the reviewers at all stages of the review process.
- Exclusive submission policy
The journal will accept only exclusive submissions. Submissions that are with another journal or publication for consideration shall not be considered and the submission will be deemed rejected. The Exclusive Submission Policy has to be followed strictly and any revelation of the non-compliance of it will result in an automatic rejection.
- Copyright policy and fair use
The author is vested with all moral rights and will be given due credit for the respective publication. The author is allowed to republish the submission wherever applicable, owing to the condition that a proper attribution and acknowledgement of the first publication is to be provided.
The Journal shall retain all the copyrights arising out of the publication. It shall retain non-exclusive rights to edit, publish, reproduce, distribute and translate the published work. The Journal will have the right to make available the publication in whatever media or form it wants to.
- Open Access Statement
The Journal aims to incorporate diverse themes and issues for submissions. The Open Access Policy is followed by the Journal. All articles published on the forum would be freely accessible on the website, without any subscription fee or time limit.
- Final discretion of the board
The final decision regarding the submission, its acceptance or rejection or regarding any editorial or subjective or any other required changes in the accepted submission, shall rest on the discretion of the Board of Editors and compliance to the same is expected.
- Withdrawal policy
If any author wants to withdraw their work from the consideration stage, they may do the same within 14 days of the submission, after which they shall not have any say in the same until a rejection is conveyed to them.
If a withdrawal is made, after the 14-day period, a genuine reason must be given for the withdrawal, the failure of which can result in the temporary blacklisting of the author.
Review Process
Though the Board of Editors shall always endeavor to work efficiently, the review process of a single manuscript may take up to one-two months.
All efforts shall be duly undertaken to have constant communication with the corresponding author at every stage of the review process. However, a prompt individualised response may not be possible each time.
If any changes are required at any stage of the review process, the Board shall forthwith communicate the same to the corresponding author via mail.
Any decision regarding acceptance and rejection of the manuscript will be taken exclusively by the Board.
It is duly expected that the authors will adhere to the suggested revisions and will cooperate with the Editors in case of any subsequent minor editorial changes.
The Board’s discretion shall be final on all matters.
Style Guide
DNLU-SLJ accepts articles in the following categories –
- Long Articles: 4000 to 8000 words (exclusive of footnotes); articles exceeding the word limit may be considered on merit: Submissions under this category must present a comprehensive study of a central theme, along with the identification and analysis of related subthemes. Interdisciplinary analysis and empirical research submissions are appreciated. Purely theoretical papers will also be accepted under this category.
- Short Articles: 3000 to 4000 words (exclusive of footnotes): Submissions under this category must deal with contemporary legal issues. It should directly address a specific topic and must be engaging and concise.
- Case Comment / Legislative Briefs: 2000 to 3000 words (exclusive of footnotes): Case comments must be analyzed of judicial pronouncements and comment on implications of the judgment for the evolution of that branch of law. Legislative briefs or critiques must include evaluative comments on pending or recent legislation.
- Book Review:1000 to 2000 words (exclusive of footnotes): Reviews of books relating to contemporary legal literature can be submitted under this category.
- The authors must adhere to the prescribed word limit (excluding footnotes)
- DNLU-SLJ accepts electronic submissions in MS Word (.doc/.docx) format. Submissions should be made using the submission form given on the website.
- All submissions must be accompanied by an abstract not exceeding 250 words. The abstract must be accompanied by 4-5 keywords related to the theme of the submission.
- The main body of the manuscript should be in Times New Roman, with Font Size 12, and in 1.5 line spacing, Margin 1 side each and alignment justified. The footnotes must conform to the OSCOLA (Oxford University Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities) (4th edn.) style of citation, speaking Footnotes are discouraged.
- Please refer to this link for the citation guide-
- Original submissions are invited from undergraduate and graduate students, academicians, professionals and research scholars. Submissions may be co-authored by a maximum of two authors.
- DNLU-SLJ follows a zero-tolerance towards plagiarism and adheres to the University Grant Commission (Promotion of Academic Integrity and Prevention of Plagiarism in Higher Educational Institutions) Regulations, 2018. In case of non-compliance with the UGC’s policy, the articles will be rejected.
- All submissions should be accompanied by a cover letter mentioning the following:
- Submission category
- Title of the manuscript
- Full name of the author(s)
- Position/year of study
- Institutional affiliation, and
- Contact details of the author(s).
- The body of the manuscript should not contain any personal details of the author(s) to enable anonymity.
- The manuscript must be original and unpublished work and must not be under simultaneous consideration for publication elsewhere. Copyright of all submissions selected for publication shall vest with DNLU.
- The Editorial Board will promptly acknowledge the receipt of the submissions. The acknowledgement of the same within 3 days of submission. All submissions will go through the peer-review process, taking a minimum of 4-5 weeks post- acknowledgement of receipt. The final selection of manuscripts will be based on comments received from the peer reviewers. The authors must incorporate this feedback and make necessary amendments to their manuscripts before publication.