Atul Kumar Dubey & Aditya Tripathi
Afghanistan: “the graveyards of empires” made the US and its allies bogged down in this graveyard. The “respected” US pull-out to prevent the embarrassment of hanging chinook helicopter scenes from the Vietnam War has put the country into the hands of fundamentalists who were once funded by the CIA to fight against the Soviets. The same fundamentalists are attempting their social media handles to persuade the world that the regime will be different from the 1996 rule. The paper will take a ride through the troubling history of Afghanistan which includes the making of the Constitution, the Soviet-era along with the Taliban rule, and the US invasion and pull-out. The paper will also deal with the Montevideo Convention 1933 and its requirement for recognition. The next part of the paper will attempt to answer whether the present State of Afghanistan and its Taliban falls within the lines of the requirement of the Convention. Further, the paper will meticulously scan the role of the international community and organizations especially the United Nations. At last, the paper will also endeavour to answer India’s concern regarding the present regime in Afghanistan.