ECtHR’s Deference to National Authorities: An Analysis in Relation to Exclusive Cases of Public Morality and Cases Involving Sexual Component

Abstract ECtHR is under an obligation to account for the national constitutional values and context of the state while adjudicating on the matters relating to freedom of expression. It is generally argued by the scholars that all the cases restricting freedom of expression circumscribing public morals are subject to deference to national authorities. However, the Continue reading

Glass Ceiling

Glass Ceiling In The Legal Profession —A Curse To The Indian Legal System

Beginning with the acceptance of Cornelia Sorabji into the Allahabad High court in 1921 to rehearse as an advocate, the Indian legal system has come up a long way since India’s independence. Officially, after the Legal Practitioners’ (Women) Act of 1923 was passed, the restrictions on Indian women practising law were abolished. At least on paper, allowing female advocates access to the Indian courts.