Highlighting the Implicit Misogyny in Imposing the Death Penalty on Rapists, in Light of the Movie ‘Bulbul’

Abstract Anvita Dutt’s ‘Bulbul’ has been hailed by many as a marvel of modern horror. It follows the woeful tale of a young girl, Bulbul, who, upon being subjected to heavy physical and sexual abuse, undergoes a supernatural transformation and exacts revenge upon the abusive men of her village. With the movie attaining its driving Continue reading

ECtHR’s Deference to National Authorities: An Analysis in Relation to Exclusive Cases of Public Morality and Cases Involving Sexual Component

Abstract ECtHR is under an obligation to account for the national constitutional values and context of the state while adjudicating on the matters relating to freedom of expression. It is generally argued by the scholars that all the cases restricting freedom of expression circumscribing public morals are subject to deference to national authorities. However, the Continue reading