Divesting Female Professionals of Their Righteous Future: Implication of Maternal Penalty and Strive Between Equity- Equality

Amisha Raghuvanshi & Vidushi Keshan

This article provides a comprehensive view of the struggle of pregnant women and mothers in workplaces by drawing a comparison to the male employees. It reflects on the existing inequalities against pregnant women in the workplace with few of the instances that have been brought to light. As most of the professions involving physical activities or long hours of work have been considered male-centric, the article draws an insight on how these discriminations against women are man-made and not natural especially by the terms of their contracts. This article also enlightens about the prevailing discrepancies between a man and a woman in professional areas of sports and their endorsing companies with an emphasis on its disapproval by some elite sportswomen. The article posits on the disparities in the legal sector along with existing studies involving those in the academia and their experiences relating to pregnancy-associated discrimination. On a concluding note, certain suggestions have been imparted that can be inculcated by States to support pregnant women and mothers at workplaces.

Cite as : Raghuvanshi A and Keshan V, “Divesting Female Professionals of Their Righteous Future: Implication of Maternal Penalty and Strive Between Equity- Equality” (2021) I DNLU Student Law Journal <https://dnluslj.in/divesting-female-professionals-of-their-righteous-future-implication-of-maternal-penalty-and-strive-between-equity-equality/>


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